Dave Long

The goal of the Self-Guided Workshop Series is to eliminate the time spent finding and scouting out locations and allowing you to spend more time photographing beautiful landscapes. I have spent hundreds of hours scouting out locations, first with the many online tools and then visiting the location in person, in some cases multiple times. The images are from some of my favorite locations and the photo data in the e-book is meant to represent a starting point, but since every day brings different weather, lighting, colors and opportunities, I trust you will quickly find your own representation of the scene.

In addition to the images, the following information is included:

  • Description of the location

  • GPS and/or address of the parking and the location linked to Google Maps

  • Trail information including length of time, difficulty and anything unique that exists from where you park to the photo location

  • Best time of the year to visit

  • Best time of day to visit

  • Optimal conditions/weather

  • Recommended photo gear

  • Complete list of settings for images

  • Links to landscape tutorials

Price: $20 for the guidebook


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